
Stem Cell Injections for Osteoarthritis

creation date:2021-11-01

Osteoarthritis is a highly prevelent diseases in our senile population, characterized with degeneration of articular cartilage, narrowing of cavity, formation of osteophyte and infiltration of inflammatory cells. The amount of OA patients is up to 8.1% among 45+, and over 70 million among 65+ population.


Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics, 2020

Articular Cartilage Sections

Safranin O staning for articular cartilage

MSCs injection coudl efficiently repair articular cartilage and suppress inflammation. Our company developed a clinical injection of MSCs to treat osteoarthritis. Combined the MSCs and anti-aging reagents could activate in vivo MSCs at the surface of articular cartilage, facilitating to repair articular cartilage and treat osteoarthritis.

The principal of stem cells treatment for osteoarthritis